

This is Atsuhiko Nakata’s catchphrase for YouTube University. According to this word, Achan himself seems to be getting closer and closer to his ideal self, with the video he uploaded as blood and flesh.

Make it a habit by routineizing the rhythm of life such as healthy eating habits, good sleep, early to bed and early rising, and overcome the Mikabozu.

With McKinsey memo technique, you can overcome the troubles that you always encounter.

I incorporate it into my daily life as much as I can.

I also tried the McKinsey memo technique, but it was more effective than I expected. I was taught that transcribing what is always moody is very helpful in clarifying your worries and is essential for taking your thoughts one step further.

In recent videos, environmental issues have also been addressed, and in order to throw a stone in the current apparel industry, which is mass-produced and mass-discarded, a brand with a complete reservation system was launched by itself.

At the end of the video, I got goosebumps and tears at the line “I can only talk on YouTube. The creator can only make good things. You can only change the world.” .. What a great speech!

Both presidents of the liberal arts college also teach us very politely and in an easy-to-understand manner so that even amateurs can understand investment every time, and they also teach us the knowledge of savings that is immediately useful, the benefits of doing a side job and how to get started.

The president’s deciding line warmly sends out, “Today is the youngest day. (~ After that, positive words that change daily and according to the theme), please stay healthy today.”

From yesterday to today, I can feel the feeling that the people watching the video are supporting me so that I can be a little happy, so I feel like crying occasionally.

There are many good people in the world. It’s wonderful.

And both of them are uploading new videos around 7 am, so I watch them every day to recharge my energy before going to work.
I really appreciate it.

It’s a little old, but there was something like “Don’t give up” that was popular in Miki Maya’s commercial, but it’s a short word that pushes your back.
I would like to continue to be encouraged and do my best.

Next time, I would like to talk about my hobby, gardening.
Thank you for reading to the end 😊

Fire people
Hello, this is Gura. As usual, when I tried to watch YouTube of both presidents of Liberal Arts University at 7 am,...
A dream that always gets lost
The dream of walking means the course of life itself, and it also shows your physical and mental condition. It can also mean a new start or imply that life is about to open.
株式会社ほぼ日代表取締役社長 糸井重里さんとYouTube大学の中田敦彦さんの対談で、木村拓哉さんの勧めで40代から始めた釣りの話、ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞のチームリーダーとしてのお話。第一線を走り続けているおふたりの痺れる対談を掻い摘んでご紹介します。